Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tentative Racing Schedule

So now that things are starting to ramp up, I guess its time for me to decide on a final racing schedule. Obviously, the A race this year is IM Wisconsin and things need to revolve around that. Another race that has been set in stone is the Lavaman Olympic triathlon in Kona Hawaii. I am racing this on behalf the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society which I am really excited about. I just need to get on top of my fundraising!

I am thinking my racing schedule will look something like this
Lavaman Olympic (Kona) April 1st
Leons Fastest Triathlon (Indiana) : June 3rd
High Cliff  Half Ironman  (Wisconsin) June 16th
Racine 70.3 (Wisconsin)  July 15th
Ironman Wisconsin Sept 9th

And as if this isn't enough Ill be participating in the Wisconsin Triple crown, which is a series of three bike races ( I'll be treating these like training days) through the crazy intense hills of Wisconsin. I think each one will end up being about 120 miles, with one in May, One in June and one in August. Going to be a fun, and SUPER busy summer.

Taking the night off from working out after a tough morning workout. Back on the bike in the morning!!! but right now, this is how i feel

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