Monday, March 10, 2008

Triathlon is basically just alot of stuff...

So in the last post i said that i would talk about the massive amount of equipment needed for triathlon, and more specifically the equipment/preparations needed before i started my season. But first off I wanted to paste the American Heart Association's mission statement

"Building healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke"

Just a reminder of whats pushing my training for the Ironman. its a really great cause like i have been saying... and I am going to start getting the word out. 26 days before the ironman I will start taking pledges and donations on the webpage. But now onto todays post...

So the very basic triathlon equipment includes bike, running shoes, sunglasses, tri suit, goggles, water bottles, helmet, riding cleats

After that, most people opt for wetsuit, and then there are the random incidental purchases are the ones that really add up. you need during race fuel like power gels and some sort of energy drink,bike tools (co2 cartridges, extra tubes, portable bike pump, pedal wrench and an actual tool kit), racing belt (you pin your racing number onto it) aerobars (if your bike doesnt already have them) saddle cover... and the list goes on .

I have never been a wetsuit user, except for the Gulf Coast Half Ironman since it was my first ocean swim. but the wetsuit has definatly made it on my list of things to purchase for the ironman. 2.2 miles in the gulf of mexico is sure to challenge. I need new bike equip and perhaps a new saddle cover. My bike saddle is super thin, and makes for an uncomfortable mid length ride ( the 56 miles for the half ironmans was kind of pushing it)... so im thinking 112 miles would suck even more.

I am also looking for a goodtri suit. they are always either too big or too skimpy in the wrong places. Any suggestions? Im going tot have to do some serious online shopping.

like i mentioed before, im also going to have to look into appropriate racing nutrition... I have alot of equipment to buy, but the way tht the chicago winter is going, i still have a little while before i would have to take my bike into the local shop for a tune up.

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