Sunday, February 10, 2008

rest days

Before i get to tonights post, i just want to say that I have definately decided to use to collect my donations for the American Heart Association. Since the collection time on this website is a maximum of 26 days i am going to try to get the word out as much as possible and have people "pledge" ahead of time ( the website actually only takes pledges and wil lnot collect money until the goal i set is met). I am going oto try to get the word out as best i can, but i can use all the help i can get!

So tonight i was just thinking bout my training schedule because february will be over before i know it and march marks that beggining of my "actual training". March, April and May will be prepping for regular season, and to be honest, will not be much different than what I am doing now... maybe the workouts will be a little longer, with more little pockets of intensity, but nothing completely out of the orginary.

Once June hits though, not only will i be in full racing mode ,but i will also start the 20 week schedule that will take me to the ironman, and the question i had today was about my rest days. Currently, my rest day is friday, more out of convenience than anything else. I am exhausted by the end of my work week and feel like its the perfect day for a day off. However, the two different ironman training schedules i am working off of reccomend 2 different things. one reccomends a monday day off following the logic that saturday and sunday workouts tend to be the most brutal and a follow-up recovery day would be useful. However, the other schedule reccomends a friday day off, presumably to recover a little from the week becasue the Sat/Sun brtuality hits so you can make the most out of your big weekend workouts.

Personally, I have used both and I dont see much of a difference between the two other than convenience. Mondays off were the best when i was in school, because i tended to have no class on fridays anyway, but now that I am working, fridays off are best.> Ill probably tailor my days off according to what else is happening in my life. But its possible that once i hit 6 hour training blocks on saturdays, the monday rest day will definatly seem better. Either way its up in the air as of now, but im getting excited about training! My focus over the next couple months or so will be working on training nutrition....more to come

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