Monday, September 22, 2008

Not enough hours in the day...

With the sun rising later and later, and since we are still weeks away from daylight savings time, i have faced with a problem that comes around with every fall....the sun isnt up the same time i am. I wake up at 530 and realize its really too dark to do anything safely. part of this is rationlizing my hatred of stepping outdoors in the dark, the other part is actually, about safety.

I dont care how many little lights you have on your bike its not really safe to ride when its pitch black... and my mom has told me enough horror stories (read: stories she has made up combined with some true life events) about girls who are running along and are attaced by strangers hiding in the shadows, to keep me from running in the dead of morning.

this poses an interesting problem so close to ironman time. With weekend workouts stretching into the 4-5 hour range, sometimes 6, i counted on those twighlight hours to make up for part of my day.

now that i am getting ready to head back into school, my schedule is much for flexible. i have taken to doing my long runs (about 17 miles) in the late morning on fridays after a cup of coffee, breakfast and potentially an episode of law and order. I decided i liked using saturday (instead of friday) as a recovery/preparation day, and then doing my ridiculous bike ride -followed by a swim, on sunday. basically, my weekends involve working out and eating, and very little else.

despite this i am enjoying this time. Taper will slowly stat in october, where hopefully i will no longer feel the need to run 17 miles consecutive weeks, though i hope to keep the mileage relatively high. I also plan on focusing a little more heavily on the swimming in the upcoming weeks because the strain of open water swim, especially a 2.4 mile open water swim, is potentially going to be the most draining part of the experience, because in october, i will have a hard time simulating the conditions ( no im not going to swim in lake michigan. its cold)

ok so to sum up. training going well. a little tired but excited. more late.

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