Tuesday, June 17, 2008

post ride regret...

This saturday i did one of my longest training rides ever. I maxed out at a little over 70 miles, taking me from chicago out to Dyer indiana. I did the ride with the university of chicago cycling club, and I have decided that there is no way i can do 50+ miles without a bit of support. not only would i get hopelessly lost on my own (which i would... you would find me on the side of the road near a corn field trying to figure out if i can drive a tractor on the highway back to chicago), but i would be so unbelievably bored, i probably wouldnt care if i ever made it back home anyway.

now, the ride was great. i felt really strong for about 3/4 of the ride, lost a little bit of my leg power near the end, but definatly not enough to feel bad about the ride itself. the moral of the story here though is i definatly need to work on ultra-distance hyrdation/nutrition. now, i had a power bar and gel pack on me. i nibbled on the powerbar heere and there, but didnt feel really hungry or weak so i didnt feel the need to finish. I had water on me but just one bottle and i finished it a little ove rhalf way through. i stayed away from the gel pack only becuase i usually like to drink alot of water with it or it does a number on my stomach... this probably wasnt a great idea.

Recovery was really rough. i was super dehydrated, came home really hungry and my run the next morning was brutal. i need to not just assume im not hungry or thirsty and hydrate and eat regularly. Ill keep working on it for sure.... thats it for now, its getting late so i need to sleep. .more later.

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